Are You Open to Receiving?

So you’ve started giving up old stories that hold bad vibrations, if not please read Feel to Heal & Subconscious Manifestations. As you shed them don’t you feel lighter, better? Now that all that energy that was used to hold on to those stories is now free to flow into other manifestations, but are you open to receiving them?

I’ve always been terrible at receiving.

Friend: you need some help there
Me: No, I got it, thanks.
Subconscious Brain: I’m an independent woman darn it, I can handle it.
Also Me: why can’t I seem to get any support

I even got embarrassed when someone complimented me.

Friend: oOOooo your hair looks nice
Brain: what really? My hair? No way.. can’t compute, can’t .. quick deflect, deflect
Me: Yeah, I combed it today
Brain: nice one!

Consciously I thought I was just shy, didn’t like the attention or didn’t need it. Subconsciously on a different level maybe I felt I wasn’t worthy. It definitely made me feel uncomfortable. But what I was doing is deflecting their love, the Universe’s love. If I couldn’t receive a simple gift of a compliment how could I receive anything else the universe was trying to give me.

When you hold stories of you are not worthy and vibrate that out, guess what, the universe will say ok you’re not worthy if that’s what you want. If you don’t like receiving help or compliments, then I’ll stop sending them your way.

But also me: why doesn’t anyone notice me

If you have unworthy feelings, try to feel into it and let them go. Practice non-judgment in particular to yourself.

Friend: let me treat you to lunch
Me: No, no that’s ok, no need
Also Me: I want to buy you lunch.

I love treating others, gifting things, it makes me feel good. Doesn’t it for all? Yet it took me some time to release when I don’t receive or refuse to, I’m taking this enjoyment away from others. When I’m just giving and not receiving, I’m not actually being generous. I’m making the other person feel bad, as not many people just want to receive (if you find the people around you do just take, you may need to acquire healthier boundaries and find new friends). Ask yourself are you really being generous when you gift and don’t receive, or are you just playing the martyr?

When you give and receive, you close the circle of energy flow, so that it doesn’t get stuck and stagnant. Money is called Currency, because that’s what it should do, it should flow. Money is just energy. You are creating better balance in your life when you receive as well as give, being generous to the other person and also to yourself.
Being brought up to be independent, we sometimes forget the joy it gives others to help. Accepting help isn’t a sign of weakness. You’ve probably proved yourself enough times so why not just enjoy life. Why not just choose a life of ease. Be confident in your independence such that you don’t need to prove it to anyone, including yourself, so you can allow others to help when needed. Life is always a balance.  Allow people to help you, allow them to be able to show their love for you … Let the Universe Love You.

When you are open to receive, bam! Watch the universe shower you with it’s love. The universe wants to give to you, and one of the ways is through people.
When you allow the Universe to give, random people will give to you for no reason. You allow people who want to help come into your life. The universe has your back, just allow it. When you see ‘lucky’ people, well they’re the ones open to receive. It’s not about deserving or fairness, it’s about what you are saying to the universe through your vibrations.

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor”Rumi

I got given a set of coloring pencils when just the week before I was thinking I needed some, then free drinks at the last 2 restaurants I ate at. Totally appreciated Universe!

When you are grateful, the universe will bring you more.

Yay! Bring it on! Keep getting bigger and better please! Thank you!


Further Reading:
Feel to Heal & Subconscious Manifestations
The Manifestor in You
Manifesting with the Sri Yantra


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