Articles Tagged: "Positive Thinking"


Power of Forgiveness


3 powerful words and probably the hardest to say: “I forgive you” and even harder “I forgive myself”. We commonly think of these words as helping to relieve others of their guilt feelings, making others feel better, but do not realize the power of such words on the person speaking them. These words not only

Change your Thoughts, Change your Reality

Reality check

The world we live in, our life, our reality, is based on how we see things. Everything begins as thoughts in our heads. When we dwell on something constantly they turn into beliefs and become habitual thoughts in our sub-consciousness. This steers our life without us realizing it, such that it becomes our reality. If

Eternal Circle of Appreciation & Gratitude

Appreciation & Gratitude

When you receive appreciation and gratitude, what kind of affect does that have on you?It makes me feel good, and more eager and enthusiastic to help that person and others in the future and I am sure it has the same affect on you. The greater the appreciation and gratitude you show, the more you

Law of Attraction

swans law of attraction

The Law of Attraction may seems like a lot of hype made famous by the best seller ‘The Secret’. One of the reasons why this book may have been so widely accepted as it only delves lightly into the Law of Attraction, to the level that could be easily accepted for most of society. The

Positive Power


Sounds like a cliché! but what do we really know of positive power? Dr Emoto, from Japan, has been carrying out simple experiments on water. He freezes samples different types of water and photographs the crystals that form. One of his researchers suggested subjecting a jar of water to music, and they found that different