Don’t Be A Sucker Save Our Wonder World

Hello Worldlings!
Join #OurWonderWorld #ImNoSucker! now, because at the moment We Totally SUCK! We’re destroying our environment with wasteful plastic. Let’s start by giving up our Dirty Dirty Plastic Straw Habit for the majority for which it is just an unnecessary fetish. Just drink straight from the cup/bottle/can – it’s that easy. You think it’s dirtier than a straw, well grubby hands probably put those straws in those grubby containers and loads of other grubby hands have touched them while trying to get one out.

ImNoSuckerDon’t take a Straw – Take a Picture and tag #ImNoSucker 0r #OurWonderWorld and explain the cause
Lets get some some Sexy Lipstick on Glass pics with #WeDontSuck etc
See someone use a straw – take photo & tag #YouSuck, #DontBeASucker etc
Tag wonderful world pics with #OurWonderWorld, we need to stop taking it for granted and really appreciate it because if we don’t start now, there might be noting to save later.

Then post pics on OurWonderWorld Group, click here. Invite all your friends.

Care about this Turtle & Life – Then Please Share & Remember #DontBeASucker

I feel Sick.. am I’m sure I’m not the only one..

This can’t continue. Our world needs change. Be that Change.
We are so many, that if each of us made a little effort, the outcome would be huge. Little changes can include when:

Dining in – Say no to plastic lids. Ask for metal cutlery rather than taking the plastic.

Take Away – Don’t take plastic cutlery, use cutlery you have at home and keep a set at work. Given a plastic box, then re-use it. Collect & Return un-damaged bags so they can use them again rather than just throwing them away.

Bring your own re-usable container – Starbucks and a lot of Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong give you a discount if you bring your own container. If you are a Food & Beverage outlet, please encourage this by offering a discount, better still Charge for plastic as this registered more in peoples minds.

DontBeA Sucker
What’s more embarrassing, to take re-usable containers to get take-out or the picture on the right.

Rainy Day – Don’t take the disposable umbrella bags, it’s just water, you can handle it. Really need it, there’s slippery floors, then re-use it!

Water or Drink Bottles – Refill bottles; avoid buying smaller bottles just for convenience.
Convenience and laziness is how we got here today.

Got any good suggestions, please share in the comments.

Talk to people, talk to shops, even if we just convince one person, and even if that person convinces just one more, it’ll keep rolling – Together we can do it!

#DontBeASucker, don’t kill off #OurWonderWorld

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